Dancer and Contemporary Dance choreographer.
Studied in 2004 at the Contrology Pilates center levels I and II by Marc Hamburguer (Switzerland).
Pilates Comprehensive Certification at Megatlon, modules I, II and III.
Diploma in Physical Preparation, Fitness and Sports Training in CICADE (International Sports Training Center).
Diploma in Functional Training with Professor Horacio Anselmi.
Since 2010 she has been a teacher at the Borges Cultural Center of Pilates and Contemporary Dance Workshops.

Contemporary dancer and performer.
Bachleor of Choreography (UNA). Pilates instructor since 2012.
She has an extensive experience in different Pilates studios in Buenos Aires.
"Training with the Pilates method is exercising knowing how each body works, seeking through a workplan to maximize its strengths and working step by step to improve its weaknesses. In this way, the wide variety of exercises that the different equipments give us, are great tools to make training more complex or easier, making it accessible and according to each student's needs.
I propose specific and real objectives for each daily class, always thinking of approaching global and long-term objectives where their physical conditions are maximized and developed".

Dancer and Bachelor in Contemporary Dance Choreography. Dance, stretching and training for dancers teacher. Pilates instructor since 2018.
“I came to know Pilates as a healthy, conscious and body-friendly training method that allows me to train without problems and strengthen my spine to help me with my scoliosis.
The knowledge of the body provided by the Pilates Method motivated me to continue training and to transmit it from my place as a teacher. I seek that each class is a meeting place with our body, of conscious listening, that allows us to work on our posture, strength, flexibility and coordination according to the needs and objectives of each one, to achieve profound changes in our relationship with the body in the long term.”

Dancer and Contemporary Dance Choreographer.
Pilates instructor since 2013.
The Pilates method means to me an infinite world of possibilities, of growth, of introspection, of personal and collective research.
Witnessing the evolution of our students is incredibly enriching.
I understand that the conscious and global path of the body is the one that we propose in Toulouse.
An inclusive, professional and complete space for all training bodies.